The Scientific Committee of the 12th edition of the Nationwide Scientific Architecture Students’ Seminar – “Łódź U Like – to See, to Touch, to Experience, to Feel, to Tell” is composed of:

dr hab. n.t. Artur Zaguła, prof. PŁ - the Chairman of the Scientific Committee,

dr inż. arch. Włodzimierz Witkowski - the Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Committee,

dr hab. inż. arch. Agnieszka Gryglewska

dr hab. Ewa Klima, prof. PŁ

dr hab. inż. arch. Jan Kurek

dr inż. arch. Wojciech Pardała

inż. arch. Magdalena Szymczak

inż arch. Jarosław Striker

Editorials for 13. Edition of NSASS Łódź U Like

We would like to invite all of the interested to participate in the 13th edition of the Nationwide Scientific Architecture Students’ Seminar...